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Meet the Democrats: Kimberly Pope Adams

Meet the Democrats: Kimberly Pope Adams

Just who have Virginia Democrats nominated for the House this year? A motley collection of left-wing extremists far removed from the concerns of everyday Virginians.

Today’s Democrat is Kimberly Pope Adams, HD 82.


Like many Democrats, Kimberly Pope Adams supports elective abortion until the moment of birth and allowing schools to keep secrets about children from their parents.

What sets her apart, however, is her six hour change of heart about ending her campaign. The Progress-Index reported:

“In the first statement, released around 5:30 a.m., Adams wrote, ‘For nearly ten months, I have aggressively fundraised for the opportunity to represent my district in the General Assembly. However, it has become abundantly clear that my campaign does not have the financial viability to proceed.’ She announced she was firing all of her political consultants and refunding her campaign contributions to date.

“Five and a half hours later, Adams released a second statement with a far different tone. She was sparing her political consultants from the unemployment line.

“‘I got into this fight for the working families, for the single mothers, the teachers and the kids in my community,’ she said. ‘I can’t quit, I won’t quit and my team and I will continue to show up every day and fight to move the 82nd House District forward.

What made the difference? A $20,000 check from a far-left PAC.

Kimberly Pope Adams will stand strong for her district — as long as the money keeps flowing.

The choice this November is clear.

Meet the Democrats: Kimberly Pope Adams

Meet the Democrats: Karen Jenkins, HD 89

Just who have Virginia Democrats nominated for the House this year? A motley collection of left-wing extremists far removed from the concerns of everyday Virginians.

Today’s Democrat is Karen Jenkins, HD 89.


Should school systems be able to keep secrets from parents? Democrat Karen Jenkins thinks so. As a member of the Suffolk City School Board, Jenkins voted for a policy holding that if a student isn’t “ready” to share the fact that they’re transitioning genders with their parents, then school officials won’t tell parents.

Even worse, she voted to discuss the policy behind closed doors, in violation of Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act, and voted to censure a member who complained about the violation.

She then voted to limit discussion of the policy in public to two questions from each board member.

If keeping secrets from parents is a good policy, why hide discussion and limit debate?

The choice this November is clear.

Meet the Democrats: Kimberly Pope Adams

Meet the Democrats: Nadarius Clark and Joshua Cole

Just who have Virginia Democrats nominated for the House this year? A motley collection of left-wing extremists far removed from the concerns of everyday Virginians.

Today’s Democrats are former Delegates Joshua Cole, HD 65 and Nadarius Clark, HD 84.


Virginia’s right to work law ensures that no one has to join a union to get a job. In states without right to work, unions can force employers to require union membership before they hire new employees.

Right to work is a big part of Virginia’s economic success. But Democrats Josh Cole and Nadarius Clark both think union membership should be mandatory.

They’re both all in for repealing right to work.

Clark is even further left, having introduced legislation on his own to end right to work in Virginia. Want a job? Join the union. Or else…

 The choice this November is clear.

Meet the Democrats: Kimberly Pope Adams

Meet the Democrats: Josh Thomas, HD 21

Just who have Virginia Democrats nominated for the House this year? A motley collection of left-wing extremists far removed from the concerns of everyday Virginians.

Today’s Democrat is Josh Thomas, running in District 21.


Josh thinks schools should keep secrets from parents. If their child is transitioning to another gender at school, Josh thinks parents should be kept in the dark.

Policies that keep parents in the loop about what’s going on with their children in school? That’s “hate,” according to Josh.

 The choice this November is clear.

Meet the Democrats: Kimberly Pope Adams

Meet the Democrats: Joshua Cole, HD 65

Just who have Virginia Democrats nominated for the House and Senate this year? A motley collection of left-wing extremists far removed from the concerns of everyday Virginians.


Today’s Democrat is Joshua Cole, running in District 65.

Cole said that Virginia’s system of criminal justice is irredeemably racist, and should be overthrown and replaced.

“They’re shouting they’re chanting ‘we need to fix the system. We need to reform’ Blah blah blah. I’ve been telling them, I said ‘we don’t necessarily have to fix the system, because the system has been doing exactly what it was created to do.’ … What we need to do is we need a brand new system.”

The choice this November is clear.


Meet the Democrats: Kimberly Pope Adams

Meet the Democrats: Jessica Anderson, HD 71

Just who have Virginia Democrats nominated for the House and Senate this year? A motley collection of left-wing extremists far removed from the concerns of everyday Virginians.


Today’s Democrat is Jessica Anderson, running in House District 71.

She doesn’t have nice things to say about parental involvement in education.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve seen some of the parents that live in Virginia,” Anderson said. “You should not be dictating what your daughter and son’s curriculums look like. If you want to do that, there’s a thing called homeschool. Indoctrinate them there, but not in my kids’ public schools.”

The choice this November is clear.