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We are committed to making Virginia the best place in America to live, work, and raise a family.
– Speaker Todd Gilbert

The Latest News
Virginia House Democrats Kill Legislation to Reform Virginia Clean Economy Act
House Republicans presented a number of bills to House Labor and Commerce Subcommittee #3 designed to prevent more than $450 million in ‘deficiency fees’ under the Virginia Clean Economy Act from being passed on to hard-working Virginia families.
House Republican Leadership Statements on Governor Youngkin’s State of the Commonwealth
“At a time when Virginia collects billions of dollars in surpluses, we have an obligation to help by lowering Virginians’ tax burdens further. “
Leader Gilbert Statement on Governor Youngkin’s Proposed Budget Amendments
“Our Commonwealth has more than enough room in the budget to lower taxes, and to provide even more tax relief for our hardworking families, while continuing to invest in our schools and other critical priorities.”
Leader Gilbert Statement on Governor Youngkin’s Proposed Sanctuary City Ban
“The safety of our communities cannot be sacrificed just so that Democrats can feel good about themselves at cocktail parties. “
Leader Gilbert Statement on Tuesday’s Presidential Election Results
“Across Virginia, and indeed the entire nation, voters shifted to the right in record numbers. Working class Americans stood up and said they’re tired of being told the economy is fine, and that they should just buy off brand peanut butter to deal with inflation.
Leader Gilbert Statement on Today’s U.S. Supreme Court Ruling
.Noncitizens cannot vote in our elections, and as such, people who self identify as noncitizens should be required to clarify their citizenship status.
Leader Gilbert Statement on Federal Judge Ordering Virginia to Return Non-citizens to Virginia’s Voter Rolls
“Today’s ruling to return self-identified non-citizens to the voter rolls removes all doubt: Democrats want non-citizens voting in our elections.”
Leader Gilbert Statement on the Retirement of VSP Superintendent Col. Gary Settle
I will forever be grateful for his assistance during my time as Speaker of the House, and the help he gave when I was a young prosecutor.
Leader Gilbert Statement on President Biden’s Announcement
“The ‘save democracy’ crowd in the Democrat party finally ousted their democratically-chosen nominee. No matter who emerges from this mess of their own making, Democrats will continue to make life harder, less prosperous, and more dangerous for all Americans.”
Leader Gilbert Statement on Final Passage of VMSDEP Legislation
“Today, the hard work and perseverance of Virginia’s Gold Star families, disabled veterans and first responders paid off. Both the House and Senate have finally passed a clean repeal of the changes to the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program.”
House of Delegates Joint Leadership Release Statement Regarding Trump Rally
In America, we settle political differences through free and fair elections. There is no place for violence in politics. Every American has the right to gather peacefully and participate in our political system. We are praying for the victims and President Trump and their families.
Leader Gilbert Statement on Senate Democrats’ Failure to Act on VMSDEP Legislation
The fix was there. It likely would have passed and started a process of reform to ensure the program is sustainable for the foreseeable future.