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We are committed to making Virginia the best place in America to live, work, and raise a family.

– House GOP Leader Todd Gilbert

The Latest News

Virginia House Democrats Kill Legislation to Reform Virginia Clean Economy Act

House Republicans presented a number of bills to House Labor and Commerce Subcommittee #3 designed to prevent more than $450 million in ‘deficiency fees’ under the Virginia Clean Economy Act from being passed on to hard-working Virginia families.

House Republican Leadership Statements on Governor Youngkin’s State of the Commonwealth

“At a time when Virginia collects billions of dollars in surpluses, we have an obligation to help by lowering Virginians’ tax burdens further. “

Leader Gilbert Statement on Governor Youngkin’s Proposed Budget Amendments

“Our Commonwealth has more than enough room in the budget to lower taxes, and to provide even more tax relief for our hardworking families, while continuing to invest in our schools and other critical priorities.”

Meet the Democrats: Josh Thomas, HD 21

Meet the Democrats: Josh Thomas, HD 21

Just who have Virginia Democrats nominated for the House this year? A motley collection of left-wing extremists far removed from the concerns of everyday Virginians. Today's Democrat is Josh Thomas, running in District 21. *** Josh thinks schools should keep secrets...

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Meet the Democrats: Joshua Cole, HD 65

Meet the Democrats: Joshua Cole, HD 65

Just who have Virginia Democrats nominated for the House and Senate this year? A motley collection of left-wing extremists far removed from the concerns of everyday Virginians.  *** Today's Democrat is Joshua Cole, running in District 65. Cole said that Virginia's...

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Meet the Democrats: Jessica Anderson, HD 71

Meet the Democrats: Jessica Anderson, HD 71

Just who have Virginia Democrats nominated for the House and Senate this year? A motley collection of left-wing extremists far removed from the concerns of everyday Virginians.  *** Today's Democrat is Jessica Anderson, running in House District 71. She doesn't have...

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Meet the Democrats: Michael Feggans, HD 97

Meet the Democrats: Michael Feggans, HD 97

Just who have Virginia Democrats nominated for the House and Senate this year? A motley collection of left-wing extremists far removed from the concerns of everyday Virginians.  *** Today's Democrat is Michael Feggans, running in District 97. Feggans attacked his...

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Meet the Democrats: Phil Hernandez, HD 94

Meet the Democrats: Phil Hernandez, HD 94

Just who have Virginia Democrats nominated for the House and Senate this year? A motley collection of left-wing extremists far removed from the concerns of everyday Virginians. Today's Democrat is Phil Hernandez, running in District 94. When Governor Youngkin and...

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